Meditation for Productivity ?

Not many know that meditation has benefits for productivity. So far, meditation is known as a way to reduce stress or other mental problems.

Meditation is a relaxation practice used to train the mind to be calmer. Apart from calming the mind, meditation also introduces us to be more focused. Therefore, meditation has the benefit of increasing productivity.

Then, how to do meditation to increase productivity?

Focus on Your Breath

The basis of meditation is to control the breath. The first thing you should do is find a comfortable place to sit, then focus on your inhalation and exhalation.

On the first try, you may not be able to focus right away. But do it anyway. Inhale and exhale slowly until you feel the exhalation.

If you find it difficult, you can use various breathing practice guide applications.

Dreamy Meditation

What To Do When Meditating?

The purpose of meditation is to train our focus. For that, focus your mind on your breath.

When you feel that you have focused enough on your breath, start feeling what is around you. For example, the floor you sit on or the sounds around you.

By feeling what is around you, you become more sensitive to the environment around you. In addition, you will also think that your focus is more increased than usual.

If you have trouble focusing while meditating, you can use various meditation apps that can be accessed from your phone.

When is the Right Time to Meditate?

Most well-being practitioners agree that the best time to meditate is in the morning. Meditation in the morning before doing any activity will increase your focus and productivity.

However, you can also do short meditations in between your lunch breaks to increase your productivity. Meditation is also recommended when you experience stress or pressure at work.

You can do a simple five-minute meditation during your break. Another way is to do breathing exercises for approximately two to three minutes between work hours.

Lakeside Meditation

What Meditation Is Suitable to Do at Work?

We've rounded up some forms of meditation for productivity that you can use at work; here are some of them.

1. Meditation music

Meditation using music is one form of meditation that you can do while working. You can do it alone or with your coworkers.

How to do music meditation is quite simple. You listen to soothing music such as classical music.

You can also play a recording of the sound of waves or the sound of water splashing to give a calming feeling in your workspace.

2. Counting breaths

You can do a simple five-minute meditation by counting your breaths. This way, your mind will feel light, and your focus will increase.

How to do this meditation is very simple. You need to sit comfortably and breathe slowly. This is one of the easiest ways to relieve stress and meditate comfortably.

In this way, you can take advantage of meditation to increase productivity.

woman in meditation

3. Meditation at the desk with the help of nature

Meditation practitioners agree that the elements of nature have a practical impact on the meditation process. That is why most meditation guides use natural nuances.

You can also create a natural feel in your work area. You do this by placing mini-plants such as succulent plants or mini cacti on your desk.

Now you know that meditation is also beneficial for your work productivity. You can also get more information about productivity if you subscribe to the Guide For Meditation blog newsletter.

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