When is The Best Time to Meditate ? - Beginning Meditation

I'm going to tell you the best time of day to meditate. So there are many different opportunities throughout the day that we could have to meditate. There's obviously the morning middle of the day and at night time but there's also the in between traveling.

Of time in which we could meditate whileSitting on a bus or flying a plane riding on a boat all of these times in which we are given this free. That we could do anything. He's our opportunities to meditate but there is certainly one opportunity that is better than all of them one in which gives you the greatest opportunity to relax and focus in your meditation one opportunity than makes itBeer than ever to meditate as the day goes on our mind begins to fatigue.

Meditation Instruction
Meditation Instruction

We begin to have thoughts according to what is happening and what we are perceiving in the world and those thoughts begin to build up more and more and as those thoughts begin to build up more and more. It's like there is a tornado that's taking place in our mind that as the day goes forward and we have more and more.What's the tornado begins to spin faster and faster? This is why we feel exhausted when we come home from work, even if we don't have a manual labor job. 

So what time of day is our mind the sharpest and we have the ability to focus the greatest amount of attention and energy into our meditation practice. Well as I'm sure you're beginning to understand the morning time is the greatest time.

Meditate and the reason is because in the morning, you've not gone through an entire day of thinking and doing giving you this huge fast spinning tornado that goes in your mind as you wake up in the morning. Typically, you are more calm and relaxed just naturally so we should take advantage of this opportunity in which we are naturally calm and relaxed to practice meditation to go eat.

Meditation Technique

Deeper and that way we can set ourselves up for the rest of the day to experience perhaps a much more enjoyable day a much more mindful calm and relaxing day. 

But the most important time is the beginning if we want to set things up correctly. And so meditating in the morning is by far the greatest opportunity that you will have not only to have a relaxing and comfortable experience.It's but also to make decisions based on that experience and benefit from those decisions for the rest of your day.

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