How To Meditate ?
Monday, June 22, 2020
Meditation is a habit. I've been practicing for the past two years. It's so simple yet can be so difficult at the same time, but I keep on trying because I strongly believe in the power of meditation enhance our quality of life.
The purpose of meditation is to clear your mind and practice being aware of the present moment. There are so many benefits to meditation whether it's physical mental.Anna lore spiritual I don't think I can name them all but to start meditation can help you calm your mind be stress and find inner peace and balance. You can help improve your focus your metabolism and your sleep. It can also increase your productivity creativity intuition and happiness and reduce aging boost your immune system and an incredible value to your overall well-being.
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How to Meditate Daily |
First find a quiet space.Where you'll be undisturbed for. Of time then sits cross-legged on a cushion or in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Whatever you're sitting position. Make sure your back is straight but not to text imagine a string from your tailbone pulling all the way up your spine to the highest point of your head. softly close your eyes and begin to breathe slowly and deeplyYour minds are follow the path of the breath going in and out of your nose. If you notice yourself drifting off into your thoughts, simply bring your focus back to your breath be the Observer of your thoughts, but don't engage in them.
The goal here is to enter the Gap the space where you're aware of yourself and what's around you but your mind is actually not thinking anything this awareness is your consciousness.It's your soul. So start small try meditating for 5 minutes a day and you can build from there. I recommend using a meditation timer.
My favorite one is Zen friend find a time that works for you that you can incorporate into a daily routine. I like to meditate for 20 minutes in the morning after I'd rental creating a daily meditation routine won't always be an easy Journey. So keep in mind patience perseverance and non judgement.
Be patient with yourself for the time will pass anyway persevere even at times you want to give up and don't judge yourself when your mind wanders just do your best. You can try putting on some relaxing music or sounds of nature while you meditate or try following a guided meditation. I highly recommend the app headspace. I think it's so beautifully designed and so user-friendly if you want to get more advanced you can incorporate.A mudra or hand pose for your meditation here are just a few examples Palms up to receive alms down for grounding this major provides calming energy for deep contemplation and reflection.
It's useful for increasing self-awareness. This major generates knowledge wisdom creativity and calmness you can either face your palms up to receive or down to feel more grounded. this mood of symbolizes patience and disciplineHelp generate a feeling of stability. This mood represents energy and health and provides a feeling of self-confidence and balance and this mudra symbolizes communication and openness.