7 Basic Meditation Techniques

Meditation is an activity that stimulates and flexes the mind. Thus, all problems are not easy to shake the mind. Also, meditation helps us get to know our true selves and concentrate more on facing the present.

Meditation is not emptying the mind but emptying oneself of negative feelings and thoughts (such as hate, jealousy, and lies) and then filling them with kindness, compassion, and concentration. Meditation may lead to purifying the soul and strengthening the mind. That is why meditation is a detoxification tool.

Doing meditation should be accompanied by an instructor. Why? So that there is feedback from the learned meditation method. The instructor will tell you how to meditate correctly, detect its progress, and teach you how to adapt the meditation technique according to your personality.

Morning meditation - 7 Basic Meditation Techniques
Morning meditation - 7 Basic Meditation Techniques

If you don't have time to go to a special place to learn meditation, you can do basic meditation techniques at home. But, keep in mind, do this exercise regularly. Not like medicine, which is taken when sick and left when healthy. Meditation is a lifelong practice of cleansing the mind and heart of trash.

Here are some basic meditation techniques that you can practice at home:

1. Find a fixed place and time not to be distracted by anything.

2. Take a sitting meditation position, namely cross-legged with your right foot on top. You have back straightened. Don't lean back, so you don't get sleepy. Place your hands on your lap with your palms facing upwards.

3. Close your eyes, stick the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth above.

4. Start with a prayer so that God will give you guidance for balancing physically and spiritually.

5. Concentrate on the breath. Breathe normally. You have to observe and feel the air coming in, going out, and so on. If the mind gets distracted, return to a concentration on the breath.

6. Do this exercise for 10 minutes. Then rise to fifteen minutes, then to 20.

7. Beginners may use aromatherapy or introductory music. But, it's best not to spend the whole meditation—only 10 minutes at the start. Because, if we are accustomed to wearing certain music or smells, our minds are trapped in the music and smells alone. Couldn't go any deeper.

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