4 Super Powers Derived From Meditation

You can be sure, at least you've read, looked for articles about the benefits of meditation, or maybe have tried meditation. Meditation does have many benefits. One of the most sought-after benefits is its ability to make you more relaxed.

But what if relaxing isn't what you're looking for. Is it still relevant to do meditation? The answer is, of course. You have thoughts, but sometimes you are not your thoughts' boss. Often, your mind is your boss. Don't be surprised if the diseases and problems that land on you start from your mind.

Your thoughts are your most valuable asset. What goes on in your mind can make you happy or miserable, successful or unsuccessful, energetic, or lifeless. In short, your thoughts' quality determines the quality of your life.

Meditation helps you know your thoughts and master your thoughts subtly and gradually. Once you have your thoughts under control, this can affect other things in all areas of your life. There are four superpowers that you can get by meditating diligently.

About Meditation Benefits
About Meditation Benefits

Zoom in

The first skill you gain from meditation is to increase your ability to focus. Focus means that you can focus your attention on what's important, keep it there and ignore distractions. The amount of time you can keep your attention will increase with practice.

The ability to focus is essential in all areas of life: career, education, finance, and performance. We live when there are many digital distractions and attention spans are getting shorter. Focus allows you to:

  • Appreciate your daily activities more, rather then getting lost in your thought
  •  Become a better listener and communicator
  • Doesn't fall into the trap of multitasking, allowing you to have more time and save energy.

2. Zoom out

If zooming in gives you the superpower to focus, zooming out gives you perspective. It's the ability not to get sucked into mental and emotional things. Perspective gives you the ability to see things clearly and calmly.

Ever feel unhappy until someone says or does something that immediately messes up your day? You will free the mind from the perspective and see the entire problem.

This ability will not eliminate negative thoughts or feelings. However, if previously you felt like salt being tossed in a small bucket, this time it is more like a cup of salt thrown overboard. In meditation, we train our ability not to get sucked into our thoughts and feelings.

The Benefits of Meditation - Outdoors Meditation
The Benefits of Meditation - Outdoors Meditation

3. Pause

This is the superpower that is usually associated with meditation. Modern life fast-paced makes it easy for us to act with the most impulsive impulses in our head. The inability to quit is also dangerous because it can lead to bad habits. By pausing for a moment, you will reconstruct things according to your principles and values.

4. Change Channels

Let's analogize your mind like a TV with several channels. Some of these shows are informative, entertaining, and useful. At the same time, other shows are full of addictive programs. The problem is these TV shows don't obey you all the time.

So in your mind will randomly appear channels you don't like, and you can't even change channels. Sometimes you try to change channels, but you return to the old channel after five seconds.

The more you develop the ability to pause, zoom in and zoom out, the more you will control these channels. As a result, your favourite channels get more air time, and bad channels are eventually terminated for lack of ratings.

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